This is talking hockey. Like, what. I can't talk hockey with you if you don't have a coherent thought process.
Like, screw the talk about drafting because I'm tired of the nonsensical appeals to authority at this point. You're fence sitting about trading "core players" and talking about getting back to Stanley Cup contention and I'm saying that even the base assumptions of that are wrong. The these guys are core players is entirely based on their history to the team and not the quality or level of play they're bringing now. Would you be so hesitant if we were trading 3 Marcus Johanssons from the roster? Because the real Mojo is probably bringing more value then moving the "core" pieces you're huffing and puffing about.
And beyond that, the only players that are being talked about being unloaded that are actual prize pieces are Jensen or Orlov. They've been reportedly far apart on Orlov for weeks now, those "core pieces" are walking at this rate no matter what. Should we just get nothing for them? Jensen is going to be 33 by the start of next season and is going to want the bag, is it worth spending big money on an already old roster?
Like, come on.