The segment on 32 thoughts was like almost 15 minutes long, it’s hard to just summarize it, just go give it a listen
Tried my best:
Thursday: After the Kings game it had everything to do with overall frustration and not the feud of two players. Canucks had made a real effort to get it done.
Had heard JT had asked for a trade, but that was denied to him. Everyone knows whats going on and trying to get resolved, but a specific trade request was denied.
Friday: looked like it was close and Miller was told it was close.
Saturday morning: Friedman was told to check in on it. Something happened. Doesn't know when it was(Friday night or Saturday morning), but after morning skate there was no inclination Miller wouldn't play.
Friedman waited all day and it didn't change. Has theories, but doesn't have enough proof.
What happened?
Doesn't think Miller vetoed it.
Anytime a team goes to a player or agent they think it's close. Several people told Friedman was close.
Doesn't think it was Zibanejad vetoing it. This was talked about awhile back between the teams and doesn't believe it interests the Canucks.
Doesn't think it's Schneider. Canucks have asked several times and can't get him.
Could always be wrong, but doesn't believe it's Lafreniere.
Can't say if talks with Rangers are completely dead, but as of when they recorded(Sunday night) there was nothing imimminent.
Segway to the tampering thing:
On Tuesday the Canucks sent out the warning to teams about tampering because they believed someone on their team was being talked to by a team. Doesn't know if it was Miller or someone else.
Back to Miller
Only some teams who reasonably were felt JT would go to were given permission. Rangers included amongst them.
Talks about the Devils and how it would require surgery. Thus not convinced there. The Rangers can do it without roster surgery.
Not convinced of Dallas, either. Thinks there's someone we're all missing.
Wonders about Carolina