Vancouver peaked heading into the 2010 Olympics, and largely went to shit thereafter.
If Expo 86 was a plunge into the water of the world, the Olympics were a total header of the high diving board into the abyss.
We invited the world here in 2010 and they never left. I have no idea why we want them back so back, the Olympics. The IOC is a cancer. They attach themselves to a community, grow it unsustainably and f*** off leaving you to die.
At least cancer can't ask for more money while it's slowly killing you.
I could get into the more immigration-side of my disaffection but I'm afraid it could get deemed as maybe a bit racist.
All I'll say is the thing I loved most as a child of the late 90s, was the diversity. My classes regularly had many whites, yellows, browns, I don't really care. But we were all just people seeking to better ourselves. The Canadian way. Now, it's just....we bring the same two f***ing "shithole" countries culture here, ask them not to pack it in at the door, and wonder why we can't get along?
Out my way before COVID hit, you'd routinely hear of some house getting vandalized with anti-Taiwan or anti-CCP language. Like maybe once a week that would happen. Which for someone who hasn't been here for as long as my family has is ritual. Except it's not.
It's why I can't help but laugh and shake my head at the outcry over Palestine/Israel. It's not our fight. Let's not make it our fight. We aren't as well-equipped and most of us don't even understand why they are fighting anyways.
Which is to say, and I
can't believe you guys went and got all political on me...I like my peas and potatoes separate.
If you come to Canada, please, pack your shit at the door. No one cares about where you came from or what wars you had. I don't give a shit about Palestine, Khalistan, China, etc. Either you are faithful to this land, country, and people, or quite harshly...f*** off back to where you came from and go fight that war and die in it, you f***ing cowards.