i really hope they earn some respect today
That doesn't look like clean drinking water.
Looks like John Lithgow.
We need to give them reason to put some respek on it.
put. some. respeck. on it.
I thought the same thing when I first saw it! I had to look twice to realize it was Peters' face shopped on the head of who ever that was.
We need to give them reason to put some respek on it.
Is there a beer by the name respek? If not, make it so master brewmeister
Is there a beer by the name respek? If not, make it so master brewmeister
Do you guys think the Habs are going to make even half as bad mess of their game as they made of the draft thread on mainboard?
Is hope actually creeping back in? Not really.
Dave you have to get to work so Hank can make this dream come trueThen I'mma get a home tap and PUT SOME RESPEK ON IT
je vais parké mon char dans parking*
* - garnet pls spell check this post
I know i am not minding my own business but since garnet is not replying here it is:
Je vais parkeR mon char dans LE parking.
fyi parker and char are not proper in french.
a better form would be :
Je vais stationner mon auto dans le stationnement