Lol we're gonna be juuuuust fine bud
I promise
We are
actually building something right now, not "starting" to build, no, right smack dab in the middle of something here, and it's actually going
Don't let the doom and gloom of lesser posters having a fit because we're not getting a generational talent (it sucks dont get me wrong, sure) get you thinking that it's absolutely hopeless for us, because its really really not.
We're not 23 pieces away from a great team, we've got a ton of pieces.
The hawks for example, yes, they are getting the generational talent, good for them
but that franchise also needs a TON of help
See McDavid in Edmonton, See Matthews in Tarana
They've had a multitude of "good teams" , still can't sniff the Cup
Good luck chicago.
People here would have you believe we have 0 top 6 players, and that this draft, at #5 is our one and only chance to get ONE top 6 player, and we need 5 more in the next 5 f***ing drafts.
So they are completely content to stink for the next half decade more.
For the neverending rebuild, where we draft 1st overall every year.
Don't be like one of those people lol
It must be absolutely 0 fun being like that.
We've got Zuke, we've got CC, we've got Dach, who knows happens on the trade front, who knows who we sign the next 3 years
We've drafted Slaf for the top 6 eventually
We will be drafting someone else this year for the top 6 too
All in all, with pieces at forward, pieces on D here and on the way
And starting with which ever goalie we draft this year
We are well on our way to a competitive team.
So buckle up, the next few years are
actually going to be fun finally.