The monetary punishment only meets your criteria if a 3rd party is paying out. If the perpetrators were the one's losing the money, then there is definitely punishment there. I say that and I also don't disagree with what you said, I just think it CAN be a punishment, but only if the right people are punished. I'm also not talking about this case alone, but this and any similar case where a 3rd party paid a monetary settlement to possibly protect a perpetrator of a possible crime (see Vince McMahon using WWE money to possibly cover up sexual coercion for a similar situation that is currently ongoing and also entirely different).
While I don't disagree with the sentiment as a whole, I do disagree in a way:
The punishment for sexual assault (rape being an extreme case of such) shouldn't be a monetary one.
If we were to associate criminal punishment (or even civil punishment) with monetary values, then we would indeed create a culture where the rich feel, and essentially act, above the law.
The punishment for these types of cases should be that after conviction, the defendant is named and forever associated with having committed the crime.
Settling a case out of court, whether it be the defendant paying, or anyone else, doesn't do enough justice.
In my opinion, at least.
Is it a punishment, sure. Is it appropriate for the severity, no. Not in my mind at least.
Sure, there is the criminal route where the punishment is potential jail time, but the threshold for criminal conviction is much higher than in a civil suit, so in cases of sexual assault, the likelyhood of getting a conviction are much smaller than the same trial in a civil suit.