Frank Garrett
I unsubscribed from their podcast today; kind of scarred from the "lamb roast... unresponsive" description of the 2003 video recording.Only Fleury is left in the NHL, though Upshall is still in the media with his shitty podcast.
The podcast was decent at the beginning when the guy from Entourage was on it and Jimmy Hayes seemed like he was just getting started in the world of podcasting. But after Hayes' death the show took a big hit.
Obie seems like a man child but he's humble at least. He does enable Upshall though by playing up Upshall's shtick as a retired p***yhound like a little kid who's in awe of it. Upshall just seems like a... real life Bill Paxton in True Lies type of guy. Not very likeable.
Anyway. It was time.