Maybe you didn't read what I posted...
"Please, spare me the dramatics"
since you repeat the same “spare me your dramatics”phrase in-lieu of a cogent argument… i’m sure it’s a favourite post you make to sound smug and superior… when you can’t sound credible.
challenge my facts. answer the questions honestly. I dare you.
Was Connor engaged with another player?
was Connor vulnerable?
Was Connor along the boards?
Was the hit from behind straight into the numbers?
Does Kucherov have a history of dirty play, suspensions, and letting his emotions drive him to bad decisions?
You answer these question honestly… and the result is …? By any sane reading of the rules ?
A dangerous play that is 100% a penalty.
I’m not saying intentional headshot, I’m not saying intent to injure… but
it was a goonish cheap play from angry frustrated player who stepped over the line and TWO refs missed it.
That’s obvious to anyone but a fanboi.