Friday wrap
Johansson 4 shots 1 hit +2 6-0 win, they are the best team in the Q
Kostadinski zeros
Morello 1 shot
Spicer 1 goal 1 assist 1 shot - 1 2nd

3-2 win
Walsh 8 for 15 4-2 win
Langenbrunner 2 shots -1 3-2 loss
Pelosi 1 goal 1 assist 3 shots +5 2 for 7
Groenewold 1 assist 3 shots +3 6-1 win
The Flagship with a big road win 5-4
Locmelis 1 goal 4 shots -1 6 for 14
BC wins 4-2
Jellvik inj DNP
Gasseau 3 shots 3 for 9 19:38
Letourneau +1 7 for 9 8:54
Svedebäck 27 saves plus stopped 3 of 4 SO shots , officially 3-3 that Maine won
Colorado College vs North Dakota
Schmaltz 1 shot 4 for 11
Gallagher 1 goal 1 assist 1 shot +3 6-4 CC win