I’ll put it here in a more PC way. The same fans who claim character, leadership, and toughness or intimidation is not as important as skill are the same posters that sat quietly by on February 3rd. IMO that is the night the Rangers season ended, and the night management realized what was missing. (Also the home drubbing to the Islanders after a week off).
Staal and Vesey we’re knocked out of the game vs the Predators with vicious, dirty, predatory hits. The rest of the game our boys did NOTHING GO RETALIATE. NOTHING. I was asking for retaliation. Begging for it actually, and some on here agreed while a few others VEHEMENTLY disagreed. It’s those that disagreed and continue to think just skill matters that I was referencing. I’m not going to use the language towards them I believe they deserve to be called
By the way skill IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, but Chemistry, character, and having a set of balls is equally important. Thank God our management and owner finally see that.