Those picks seem odd
Seriously HAHAHA what the frick why did they not pick Nylander leader of points no matter if he even had Ovechkin pre 2013 defense they should pick someone that leads your team in points, and your tendy
Awful coaching by Grönborg , most of the third period he let one or two players attack solo while the rest was behind.Blame that on Grönborg, horrific coaching not to change up that line. Holmström was absolutely terrible and slow by the end of this tournament.
Haha Hägg, De la Rose & Wallmark as the top players? What the hell..
Top player in goals and top in points not picked? Can't figure that.
That 5+20 was a horrible mistake by the ref. That shouldve been a 2min penalty only. Too bad this mistake from the ref costed the game for sweden.
Gz to slovaks anyways.
yeah, the other two are major headscratchers thoughWallmark deserves it.
I'v heard Nylander was canadiancitizen you guys can have him for the next tournament if you want...