What a mealy-mouthed post by you.
Your position: He "may in fact be injured", but look at Dhaliwal saying he's healthy!
I know you really want to catch me in some contradiction, but I never said we should take Dhaliwal’s rumour as the truth. It’s a rumour. I tagged you because you typically give a lot of weight to Dhaliwal rumours. The rumour may or may not be true. Pettersson may or may not be injured. We won’t know unless he confirms this.
Brisson said he had been injured last year. Pettersson confirmed the injury in camp. That's 7 months of a nagging knee injury. Further, 1 year of impaired speed data. Neither one has said that the knee is now fixed.
You say it's "stupid logic" to expect a nagging injury to still be nagging. Ok... How absolutely idiotic would it be to assert a nagging injury is healed when nothing has materially changed in the player's play? I'd call that conclusion braindead.
You are moving the goal posts and strawmanning me as you always do. Your shockingly stupid logic wasn’t the logic you have restated above, it was to argue that Pettersson’s direct testimony, in May of 2024, confirming that he had an injury in 2023-24, should be taken as direct testimony confirming that he currently has an injury 10 months later. I.e., you are trying to take Pettersson’s earlier comment from May of 2024 as contemporaneous direct testimony that he is currently injured in a halfwitted attempt to catch me in a contradiction where I preferred Dhaliwal’s current rumour over this direct testimony. Again, it’s shockingly stupid logic and if you don’t refrain from this obviously disingenuous and stupid line of argument I’m going to stop engaging with you.
In the year end presser, Lalji asks Pettersson about the decline in his production. Pettersson says he suffered a knee injury in January to explain it. The frame is the decline.
Do you have the quote?
So to recap:
1. You called my conclusion that Dhaliwal's intel re: Willander was legit "illogical". You were wrong.
Ultimately, some rumours will be correct and some will be wrong. This isn’t some surprising concept. I gave reasons why I doubted Dhaliwal’s rumour which didn’t apply to this Pettersson rumour. Plus, I acknowledge this current Dhaliwal rumour may be false. I am not taking it as the truth. It just surprises me that he seems so certain.
2. You initially challenged my premise that there is likely a disconnect between management and player re: injury. You were wrong.
We don't know there is a disconnect here. The only evidence you have provided is how each side has handled the disclosure of the injury which you point to as a disconnect in terms of the actual injury which it isn’t necessarily. I have already said this to you, but the inconsistency in disclosure can reasonably be explained by management/coaching not disclosing injuries and letting the players disclose the injuries which is why they said there was no injury initially but Pettersson confirmed there was one later. In fact, it’s almost unfathomable for Pettersson to somehow know he had patellar tendinitis but for management and coaching to not know this.
3. You held up management as an irreproachable authority. Wrong again.
No, that’s a strawman.
4. Pettersson himself explains his decline in production with his knee injury. The cause. You missed it.
Again, I’d love to see a quote where he attributes his poor play to the patellar tendinitis. I recall him being quite sheepish when disclosing the injury.
5. JR left the door open on an unflattering negotiation. Pettersson too was "holding his cards close". Both outline opposition, not mutual understanding (Brisson). You're wrong here too.
The insider rumours just bury you further.
Hell, CAR returned as the destination with the recent Pettersson trade rumours. That must be pure coincidence too eh?
Again, I have no desire to relitigate our original debate from a year ago. And I’ve told you this. And I don’t even have a ton of conviction for my position, and in fact I believe I even recognized I could be wrong. Again, I don’t really care. What I do care about is your total inability to understand the preference for direct testimony over rumours.
At the 4 Nations, Pettersson was icing his knee. Another coincidence?
You realize I keep on acknowledging to you that his knee may be injured, but you keep on sticking your head in the sand strawmanning me as thinking he absolutely must not have an injury.
But in terms of the icing, that may be preventative. Icing helps to stop the tendon from swelling which is effectively what patellar tendinitis is. So he may not currently have patellar tendinitis, but may still ice the knee to ensure it doesn’t come back.
The people who are attempting to dunk on you here, IMO, are doing it for absolutely the right reasons. You have been inaccurate regarding Pettersson almost the whole way through, but have argued vehemently for those inaccurate positions.
That’s your problem, though. You, and one or two others , mistake my critique / analysis of the various evidence, as having an absolute or unwavering position notwithstanding the fact that I have confirmed my position to you and the others like a dozen times.
I can vehemently, as you say, debate the various evidence, or the conclusions some are drawing from the evidence, but that doesn’t mean you can strawman my global position on the matter which has been communicated to you many times.
Few are misrepresenting your statements. You're just too far gone to walk them back completely.
The record is clear. And you are literally strawmanning my position in almost every post you make. And I continually point this out, and you never even bother trying to refute it because it’s clear as day.