There were some very good points made in opposition to Rod being the HC. The guy literally had nothing to write home about on his post career resume at that time. I think he had a metric shit ton of "untangibles" as Tripp would say, that made him a good choice but that's not always easy to gauge as an outsider. You have to remember us as fans had been through some rough years from 2010 on. We were 9 seasons removed from a post season. That's spelled N I N E, and Rod was the last remaining chaperone of that long, dark adventure. Stick that in your hindsight pipe and smoke it because that f***ing sucks, folks.
Of course, the man we now revere came in and took the team to the playoffs his very first season. Obviously, that probably wasn't an expected outcome by even the most level headed of us, but it happened, and the train keeps rolling. He was obviously the right choice for the job, and thank God too. This franchise owes a lot to him. He's likely criminally underpaid to boot.
Yeah, but look at the timelines. When did the team start sucking and going into a dark deep depression? Essentially when he handed the C over to EStaal and was forced to retire because of injuries.
Coincidence and bad timing for EStaal? Maybe, but then almost a decade later the team gets sold, a bunch of wholesale changes are made, and Rod becomes the HC. The team had some young promise but come on, they weren't a good team. We picked up some bargain bin goalies and a lot of the young players made huge strides. Would they have done that with or without Rod as HC? Who knows, I'm just telling you what DID happen.
Rod had no HC experience but guys love to play for him. You can tell. They respect him for what he did on the ice and who he is off of it. Contrast that to Peters who was groomed under Mike Babcock super coach to be the next big thing behind the bench in the league. How'd that guy turn out?
Sports probably isn't all that different than other industries in that much of the time it's better to bet on people rather than pedigree. Sure, don't make a someone a brain surgeon just because they are an honest, hard working guy but doesn't know an anus from an ear lobe. But in a position that requires leadership, managing people/personalities, and a lot of soft skills, you can't just say 'This person looks good on paper' so they will do a great job. Again, look at Babcock. The guy is a sociopathic monster but 5 years ago every team in the league would have sold their first born to be their head coach.
So, if you've got a bet on someone to lead the way, get a job done and inspire others to perform to the best of their abilities, Rod's a pretty good bet. There aren't many, if any, quite like him out there.