Its laughable. We also forgot that the rink is not to size. Lets say even you could add another 1500 or 2000 seats. What about the extra washrooms required, concession stands? Who knows even how much that would cost. There are two comments from the public that stood out to me:
1) The CAO is retiring and some members of council including the mayor wont be back therefore we should not do it. That argument makes no sense to me. There is turnover on every council. Staff retire all the time. Even the members of council that don't decide to run not all will be re-elected. I believe the next election is not until 2026. So with this logic council should just sit for the next two years and do nothing? Staff should just sit and do nothing for two years? With this logic nothing would ever get done.
2) The comment that the city needs a new hospital. Of course the city needs a new hospital. If the city was responsible for building the hospital than yes of course that would be priority. But for the love of god people the province is responsible for building the hospital. The city and surrounding area has to have 10% when the hospital is completed. It has been said many times, even if the city had the 10% tomorrow the new hospital will not be open until at least 2035 so it doesn't matter.
I can't imagine trying to get something to eat between periods if they just simply added a second level. What about private boxes? Absolute ridiculous suggestion.
Common argument in city politics is always, "let's not let this council decide". Like you said, there is always turnover on council and you need to let current council do the job.
Not that I'm defending city councils, in general they are almost always useless.
People just don't understand the hospital funding issue and are, understandable, frustrated with the process.
Another argument that has been common is the area. Yeah, it's an older part of the city that has challenges, but the best way to improve it is with this sort of redevelopment. Not to just abandon it.