For those who want Armstrong fired - is there any indication that the team ownership is not happy with him? I don't get any sense that his job is in jeopardy.
Overall, I don't think his job is in jeopardy - but I think that requires two views on the question.
This needs to be said up front: much like Pietrangelo's contract negotiations, where everyone has their own views on what happened and why and who was to blame, what's going on with Armstrong is going to be the same way: everyone is going to have their own views on what's going on and why, and everyone is going to pick their favorite statements that fit the conclusions they want to draw, read whatever they want into things that have happened, and run accordingly. And yes, I'm doing that here as well. I can't say my view is right, neither can anyone else. I'll lay out my thoughts as clearly as I can, and everyone can do what they want with them.
When it comes to Tom Stillman, I think there's
zero risk of Doug Armstrong losing his job.
Zero. I agree with what
@PocketNines has said: I don't sense that Stillman will ever get to the point that he questions Armstrong's work, ever gets to the point of "this isn't working, it's time for a change." I think Stillman has undying faith in Armstrong and even if things were to go badly, Stillman would still leave Armstrong in charge because of 2019 and let Armstrong dictate any leave on his own terms. Given the positions and power he has, there's no reason for Armstrong to leave and go anywhere else for less and face more media scrutiny [because he has little to none here] which is why I think with respect to Stillman, Armstrong has a lifetime job here if he wants it.
At most, I think Stillman may have asked a couple not-quite-weak, but still not really forceful questions on occasion but writ large he's stood back and let Armstrong do what he wants to do. Stillman has consistently shown great deference to Armstrong, consistently given him the green light to make any moves he wishes without ever stepping in, and as long as Stillman can call the shots Armstrong has nothing to fear.
When it comes to other parts of ownership: I think there are individuals for who 2019 doesn't carry neverending weight, who've let it be known
we're running out of patience and excuses, we won't hesitate to pull the plug. I think that was demonstrated in the Berube press conference: Armstrong's demeanor was markedly different from past press conferences. He didn't looked composed and rested like he did even when he fired Yeo. He looked like a guy who'd been forced to stay up much of the night, had about 3 hours sleep at most, and just came out of a meeting where he got his ass chewed out. His tone wasn't nearly as confident. There wasn't finger-pointing at the players, statements about holding other people accountable. He struggled to answer even simple questions like
why did Berube have to go now? His comment that "I could be fired tomorrow" and "I could be out of a job tomorrow" is something he'd never said before, nothing he'd ever alluded to before. I don't think that got dropped in randomly. His talk about not being afraid to buy out players was a first, because he's always been adamant about
not buying out players and trying to be responsible with ownership's money. Again, I don't think that got dropped in randomly.
On the 1-to-5 scale of how hot his seat is, I'd say Armstrong is probably a 2 at the moment. I think going to ownership and saying "I'm firing another head coach, I want you to pay him to do nothing for a year and a half" after having done that with Yeo [and firing Hitchcock despite the "coach-in-waiting" proclamation] raised calls for accountability from Armstrong, especially given how he'd repeatedly pointed the finger of blame at the players ... who were the very players he'd brought in. Coming in a 2nd season where the team was languishing, pointing toward not making the playoffs, with a roster that's kind of stuck in transition with no clear path to immediate competitveness at or near the top of the conference, which again was all Armstrong's making, I think wiped out some goodwill that existed and I think pointed questions got asked behind the scenes. I don't think this team has to be in the playoffs in 24-25, but I think it has to make serious progress from where it is currently and if next year turns out like this year and the year prior, that 2 is going to turn into a 4 or 5 very quickly.