It is better than nothing. But the point is - why there should be nothing? Maybe I should better clarify the in what conditions is hockey made at least in my country. To be honest is is completly uncomparable to NHL, but I just want to expalin why most a lot of people from Europe don't understand to NHL attitude.
The ussual budget of czech club is around 5 000 000 USD. Not sure if I am correct but there are 4 int tournaments during the season (two are in the middle of the season which means two int breaks, KHL does not interrupt the league but they so far let all the players play there). Then you have int friendly matches after the season and then World championschip. The club is practically obliged to let the player play for national team whenever he is chosen (that's why some of the euro players play same amount of games as NHlers). You can imagine that with so many int. matches, the risk of injury is much higher than in one 14days tourney in 4 years. I do not want to compare it to NHL. But you have to notify that, for example in czech, a lot of clubs are heavily dependend on local town donations (smts. 1/3 of the budget) and play in the league with the relegation system. So hypotheticaly loosing two of your best players could have serious consequences for the hockey in entire region...(once you got releagted, it often takes many years to get back, or it could be complete end) I said "hypotheticaly" because there are luckilly not so many injuries in int. games....but that risk is there... So that is the importance of int. hockey here.
And then you listen Bettman saying that NHL has never been in better shape in terms of income,advertising etc.....With all the informations I mentioned above I guess you understand that when I was reading his comment about OG which is, according to him, such a complicated issue with risk of injuries and loosing income, I almost spilled my coffee and laughed....
I am trying to repsect different interests etc...Just clarifying more how it sounds to a lot of european fans.....