This has been pointed out by several people on this thread and a few others. There is no evidence to show the NHL going to the Olympics has done anything to benefit the game. Was there a spike in ratings? A spike in ticket sales? A spike in merchandise sales? A spike in youth participation following the Olympics? No to all.
The argument you get back is, "It doesn't have to just be about money. What about the kid in Finland who starts playing after seeing Teemu Selanne play for his country.." Or something about how Europeans won't want to play hockey if they cant go to the Olympics or they won't come to the NHL. Or course, it is nothing anyone can prove.
They will also argue that more people watch the Olympics than the Stanley Cup Finals and yap about the ratings of the Gold Medal game or a US-Canada game. What they fail to acknowledge is the Olympics bring out a sense of patriotism in people. Those who have no interest in hockey will watch because it is the Olympics. The NHL knew/knows this. They went to the Olympics BECAUSE of this concept. The HOPE was that the non-NHL fan would watch Team USA, develop an interest and start to follow their local team (or any team for that matter). However, it hasn't worked. You point this out and people post about how their friend started watching the NHL after seeing the Olympics. May or may not be true, but what definitely IS true is the number of people like these alleged friends are not enough for the NHL to think it is worth it.[/QUOTE]
You are 38 years old and you do not see anything weird on this attitude? Sometimes you can not do everything for your own benefit. There are different values, especially in int. hockey. NHL consistently harm int hockey because it tries to find out some concept which will help to this league. Surprisingly they fail and fail again. They have to change their attitude otherwise they will never succeed.
NHL tries to be eqaul or higher power to int. hockey even if , from the basic logic, it can not work like that. So as the state is always more important than the region, the int. hockey should be more important than any local league...So please don't even try to instruct us what is the right purpose to play hockey.