And when someone who is anything but a leafs fan tells you that cowan is a high level prospect at a level RARELY, if ever moved for a rental?
...I truly feel sorry for this Generation, cuz y'all just don't even attempt to read or comprehend what's written; I dunno if it's because you just can't understand the meaning of the words or if it's just that even your comprehension of the written word is lazy...but because I'm in a GIVING mood, let's review:
Leaf fan states that Cowan is TOP rated prospect
I correct him and state Cowan is ranked in the mid twenties by most
Leaf fan states No, he is TOP ranked
Correct him again, state he is RANKED in the twenties by most
Leaf fan plugs ears and states NO, he is TOP ranked
I state again he's ranked in mid twenties by those WHO GET PAID to rank 'em
Another Leaf fan, original poster of Thread, jumps in and states he's confused I do not agree
Tell him he is overrating Cowan did I say Cowan wasn't a High level prospect?? fact, I POINTED OUT 3 TIMES THAT HE WAS, ranked in mid twenties...I didn't say a damn word about him being moved for a rental or not...comprehend what is written or don't reply, not that hard of a concept...