If you are new to Belgians, the other dark style to try is the quadrupel (Brother Thelonius is a dubbel)
Here are some good quads
^^Don't let the raisin thing throw you off, it's a damn good beer
Not particularly new to them, however as soon as I really started to getting more into beer I moved into IPAs and Porters...
I used to get this a lot, which I haven't had in a good few years... Maybe I should try it again
I don't much like the weaker Belgian like blonds or beers with Belgian yeast thrown in, ect... But I always like Duvel and Red/Blue Chimay and enjoyed Delirium when I have had it.
I've actually had a bit of Brother Thelonius before too, but its been a while, It has some of the same cherry/dark fruit notes I really like from
That I didn't remember/expect.
I guess what I am trying to say is that
a.) Belgians don't give a **** about categorizing beer, but I need to drink more of what they make
b.) This Ruinten is too sweet. Not sure if they changed the recipe on this one too... I think I remember them saying they weren't. I think I enjoy the new Ruination more then this.
c.) If you want to get into IPA's drink double ipa's... Or better drink triple ipas. You will enjoy the booze and the sweetness offsets the hopes enough that they can be surprisingly more accessible... I've seen it work with more then one person.
d.) Who has a mini fridge that can hold a 6.5 gallon bucket with a few inches head room? I need to make beer.