As long as bedard doesn't read the pseudointellectual/spiritual bullshit they keep behind the counter and the rest of the self help nonsense they prescribe at their quarterly performance guru summits that's a part of their cult/grift, then I'm totally cool with it. Not to be a snob disparaging all the hfhawks readers who enjoy Ayn Rand and Eckart Tolle... but let's uhhhhh keep that shit out of the locker room and our star prospects head lmao
Jonathan Toews associating himself with Onnit before the Chris "Aubrey Marcus" grift could have been disastrous in and of itself... Does noone recall macchu picchu??

(Thank god by the way Toews is so down to earth and kept his head on straight relevant to AM/Onnit,
this is one of my favorite interviews of his for anyone who cares -- it's clear to me there are levels of the "mental game" that separates these two so far between)