This guy is definitely bald.
my maternal grandfather passed at the age of 85 with a full head of black hair. I've been losing mine since I was 25.
Bald guys are consistently perceived in studies as more masculine, taller, and physically stronger than guys with a full head of hair (albeit less attractive). It is guys with thinning hair that get the real short end of the perceptual stick.
But really... Imagine replacing these pictures with Down Syndrome kids and the comments stay the same. "Lol, he never had a chance" or "lol, looks like he's gonn have to wear a helmet forever!"
Prejudice is prejudice. Making fun of someone for something that is genetic is inherently a dick move.
I just don't get the players who hold onto that last piece of hair...just makes it look 100x worse. Just shave it all.
tell me this choice of word was on purpose for the sake of irony
Yeah I don't think Giordano was losing his hair. He still has a lot of shadow all over the front of his head and his hairline doesn't look like it's receded back much, if any at all. It's kind of like Vin Diesel. He didn't lose his hair or go bald, he's more bald by choice than by nature. He just chooses to shave his head, despite not having an issue with balding or thinning hair.Tbh Giordano is not going bald, he has just choosen to shave his hair, his thinnings is kind of high but never "balding". And regarding Nylanders, Alex is far more "balding" than William, but if you look at old pics of Michael, you can see he was seriously balding already at 23-25, so i guess booth is heading down the highway
The bros I know who started balding in their 20s, particularly the guys who just said **** it and decided to shave it right down and bic it with shaving cream and a razor regularly seemed to crush it.
No problems with the ladies, to a man they come across confident and self-aware which is always a trait people like. Pretty common for hockey and football players to experience hair loss having worn helmets throughout their lives. Just own it . Alphas will be alphas.
Yeah I don't think Giordano was losing his hair. He still has a lot of shadow all over the front of his head and his hairline doesn't look like it's receded back much, if any at all. It's kind of like Vin Diesel. He didn't lose his hair or go bald, he's more bald by choice than by nature. He just chooses to shave his head, despite not having an issue with balding or thinning hair.
So because a guy shaves his head means he's an alpha? I think this is where some people think they're alphas because they shave their head. Like this stupid dweeb that works at my local Dick's sporting goods.
And I'm surprised that so many people in this thread think that wearing a hat contributes to hair loss. Isn't this an old wives tail and myth that was crushed years and years ago? People actually still believe this? I've heard that tight helmets as well as tight hats can kill hair follicles and stuff like that. But they'd have to be REALLY TIGHT. Just wearing a hat or a helmet during hockey games will not cause hair loss. It's all genetics.
It's a genetic trait that I've somehow managed to dodge, as every male on both sides of my family started to lose their before they were even 30. I'm 40 and mine is showing no signs of receding at all. Sometimes when I let my hair grow a little, my bangs will look uneven and a little see through on the sides. I thought for a while that I was starting to lose it, and this was 10-15 years ago. But then I looked at pictures of me as a child, and it was like this when I was 5 years old and in Kindergarten. It's just my hairline.
Jacques Lemaire in his coaching days was like this. He had like 5 or 10 pieces of hair to do a combover with back in 95. Then in 2010, he somehow had about 15 or 20 pieces of hair to do a combover with.I just don't get the players who hold onto that last piece of hair...just makes it look 100x worse. Just shave it all.
Not sure if serious.Prejudice is prejudice. Making fun of someone for something that is genetic is inherently a dick move.
Bro, I hope you caught the tongue in cheek . But in all seriousness, hair or no hair confidence matters way more than anything else for men. I know plenty of guys with full heads of hair who aren't even close to as successful with the ladies or in life as some of the bald guys I know.
Genuine self-belief matters above all for men. Are the summer threads over yet?
Lost my crown at 20. Receded hairline so far back now its awful i shave my head.. Only 23. Its all genetics, apparently my father and grandfather all began balding in their early 20s. Also Shattenkirks hair is pretty wild. Never seen anything like that
I call that spot in the back of the head the ''Sand Trap''. I believe my dad came up with this phrase for it.
Because it looks like a sand trap on a golf course.
On Shattenkirk, it looks like that bald spot on a Looney Tunes characters head after something explodes on top of their head and their brain is supposed to be showing.
Tyler Seguin is balding a bit, ladies of Dallas are going to be disappointed.
Benn on the other hand, has an unbelievably strong hairline.
If you have a widows peak you might as well be bald. Widows peak = bald imo. Either way your head should be shaved off.