MacKinnon (17)
Makar (22)
Lehky (45)
Landeskog (17)
Divide them by three and round up? This will go on forever otherwise. Mack would be 6, Makar would be 8 (!!!!), Lehky would be 15 and Landy would also be 6.
That's the whole point of this - we still have another 1.5 months until the season... if we wanted to simply end it, we would have taken Landy out when he was on his last knee... but we're gluttons for pain and punishment
MacKinnon (17)
Makar (22)
Lehky (46) ++
Landeskog (16) --
Practically speaking, if we are going to do a rounding, might be best to do it as of midnight tonight, or similar (have a pre-determined cutoff).
If I were in the Landy camp, I'd ask for a rounding, also... narrows the margin from last to first from 30 votes, to 10.
Could also just subtract 10 from everyone's score, and then the margins between players stay constant, but it lowers the bar. Then, like blinds in poker, we subtract 10 again in a week... gotta be above the bar to make it through... and do it again the week after... and so on.
That's a bit more fair to the lead that has been built, while also forcing people to allocate votes... if players remain stagnant for a week+, they likely miss the cut. No disproportionate losses of votes in this scenario, seems superior to the divide by 3 solution IMO.