You are ignoring the part about there being a lack of interest in the city altogether for the WJC because its not the Habs. The fact that Montreal fans are constantly referring to our national junior team as "just a bunch of teenagers" really says it all.
You're making it worst than it is really lol. They can't price premium Habs game price for a lower level of hockey and expect people to fill the arena.
Now don't get me wrong, I watch every game (except to the point it's becoming a blowout) because I think it is a really entertaining tournament and I am thrilled to see these young lads play like its their Stanley Cup. Heck I even watch Quebec Pee-Wee World tournament!
If people wants to pay this exact pricing in other cities (Example: Toronto because of the business class) because they feel it's a valid one well I guess Montreal may not be an option anymore. I just find it dishonest to say Mtl is not a hockey town because they are not stupid enough to buy at that price. I know I'm not the only one who planned to go this year and because of the pricing didnt and planned something else for the holidays.