Thanks fellas!
Tabness, I understand where you're coming from.
Most people don't work jobs they are passionate about. I can't say that I'm passionate (in the true sense of the word) about transportation logistics, but have been doing it for so long, and in different roles, that talking about it and life has become sort of second nature at this point haha. But at the end of the day, I enjoy it enough to continue doing it and the strategy of operations logistics does appeal to me as I'm a very analytical individual.
The older I get the more I value peace of mind. I'm a straight shooter with interviews. I feel like if you can be articulate about your life experiences and desires it really makes answering the questions related to the job, or past work experience, easier.
Just be honest. That's the best advice I can give. It's so easy to get stuck in the habit of bullshitting, trying to deliver a message you think the bosses want to hear.