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I'm NY through and through since I took my first breath in this world but you can accuse me of being sort of a Eurosnob. I'm a Real Madrid fan. As bad as it gets. I could give a **** about English teams or German teams and I feel the Italian league back in the 80's/90's was the best "soccer" ever played. I have kind of given up on the MLS. I do not believe it will improve with a salary cap but I understand why its necessary so the lesser market teams can survive as the sport will not survive in the country if it doesnt spread. That said, I was a huge Metrostars fan back in the day and saw them break my heart an infinite amount of times. Clint Mathis was my favorite player. When they became the Red Bulls I slowly gave up on them until I stopped watching MLS altogether. Now I am an NYCFC fan and now I no longer care about the Red Bulls and it has nothing to do with Lampard or Villa (who was always a great player) or Pirlo but the fact that NYCFC is actually from New York City and I am a New Yorker. And the fact I'm a Yankee fan doesn't hurt either. That said I absolutely LOATHE Manchester City. The closest thing to a favorite Premier team I have is Chelsea and they suck. I think NYCFCs uniform looks too much like Man City and they need to change the order of the color scheme. Like use the dark blue as the primary color instead of that baby sky blue, it looks pathetic.
I hate the word soccer. I really need to stop using it. What a stupid word to begin with.
I hate the word soccer. I really need to stop using it. What a stupid word to begin with.