I have to admit, mine are tied up in that 2012-2015 range. To this day, I never thought the Kings looked like a champion in that series. I honestly don’t feel the better team won.
But by last year I feel like I was fairly comfortable with what we needed to do. I feel like we probably could’ve pushed forward, but in the end we were only delaying the inevitable.
In a world of letters and TDLs and multiple first round picks, and debates about prospects, there’s an interview Gorton did in 2017 that feels somewhat forgotten.
During that interview he talked about the dreaded middle. That undesirable position of being good enough to maybe sneak into the playoffs, but not good enough to win. You just kind of float there in a hockey pergatory.
In that moment, I think there was that dawning realization that the holes were starting to get bigger, and at some point, that chapter was coming to a close.