I lost interest in the PO's once that despicable display the Leafs put up ended. Mostly watching the highlights, it's all become so boring.
If you don't have goaltending in this league, you will not win. Much like quarterbacking in the NFL. Anyway that loss was definitely on Fleury and his reaction would belie that fact. Such an Andersieve thing to do.
That defensive breakdown in OT was atrocious, such a leafy thing to happen. If these two things happened to the Leaf's we would be burning down the house.
This can happen to any team at any time.
The Leaf's are nowhere close to a cup contending team so take what you get.
Can this core turn it around and grow a set? Not A Chance!!! This apple is rotten to the core.
Very Flawed make up and after 51 years of misery, I'm done caring. I will be an occasional onlooker but I don't really like this team (many players).
If I was a new GM handed this team, the first moves I would make are easy ones. Out with Marner and AM, yes I said it. Two reasons for AM, he is leaving anyway may as well get some return for him and second he isn't a winner. He will give some nice goals during the season but the compete level is not there when it's important. I would rebuild with no high priced so called superstars, especially these 2. They will contaminate the young players coming up.
Matthews claimed at one point this was a close knit team that really liked playing and hanging out with each other, that was not evident when the chips were down. What ever happened to win it for Johnny??? Ya right.