That is how it is with soccer, and we know that soccer has never come close to achieving the popularity here that it has elsewhere. NHL teams would get leads and completely suffocate the opposition, hence why we saw so many shutouts in the dead-puck era, which helped contribute to abysmal TV ratings and gates and the league moving from ESPN to OLN. You (and others) are free to enjoy 2-0 clutch and grab hockey , but the facts are it drove away many fans who enjoyed the sport in the 80's and early 90's and also made it difficult to grow the sport with new fans. I remember taking people to games in that era, and well if you go to a game where the home team loses 2-0 and the rules are geared more towards Craig Ludwig and Doug Zmolek than Ziggy Palffy and Paul Kariya, well the odds of gaining a new fans are significantly less, and that is exactly what happened to the NHL in the dead puck era, and that is why they (thankfully) changed the rules . At this point, if the NHL ever returned to a style like that, I think I would throw in the towel and stop watching the league closely.