No matter how hard I try to wrap my infantile pea brain around this idea I just don't get it.
Do they really expect consumers to buy products from a half dozen or more providers. Just so they can watch every game of their favourite team. The next logical step after this would be a pay per view model.
As someone who watches at least two games a night I would rather just find something else to entertain myself than pay even more for less.
I went to watch a Senators game I had previously recorded last night. All the screen showed was a message advising me the program wasn't available in my region. Four hours of wasted screen time for that channel.
Can someone explain how not having fans watch games with commercials and all those awesome electronic board ads is a good thing.
Because if they want to grow the game they should be encouraging fans to tune in. Blocking someone from consuming your product is the worst possible way to grow your business. First make it as difficult as possible to subscribe to all the games and then black some of them out anyway.
Higher level thinking a moron like me can't understand.