Depends on the player and if they have any honor. Some do, some don't. Also shows how ineffective the DoPS are.
Someone like Rempe knows he can act tough and then turn down a fight with MacDermid without facing any shame for it anymore.
Then he can go elbow a guy in the head, and waive at the Devils bench, because at most he'll get a couple games, and if anybody goes after him in a game later they'll get suspended for way longer.
How many games would Dermy get if he broke from from that linesman and went and pummeled Rempe for a dirty hit? Like 15-20+ probably. The dirty elbow probably probably gets 2-3.
Only one of those actions is something that should cause a realistic concern for players well being post career. The other is the reaction to something that could cause that.
The Rangers have at least two guys with no honor like that too. Trouba and Rempe both ran away from a fight with MacDermid.
Just shows how innefective the league is at policing itself now. Nothing is a deterrent for a lot of guys. They don't let the enforcers police it, and they don't really do anything to police it either.