Its A Kingspiracy !
I just don't understand the thinking--and it's not just for Karlsson--that scoring a metric buttload of points is great even if you're letting even more in. Karlsson in particular is on the ice for the most goals for 5v5--but also the most against by a significant margin.
I think the argument sort of makes sense to an extent--that finding offensive players is more valuable than defense because, well, anyone in the NHL can play D but not everyone can just 'score more.' I think that's oversimplified, but ok--i'll concede that. But when the chances you take lead to chances against...
It's also frustrating because Karlsson CAN play good defense. It's just not his focus. I just don't like that he gets the benefit of the doubt--"Wow, what great offensive numbers' when talking about his offense and 'poor karlsson, asked to carry the team, of course he'll make mistakes' on D. No other d-man gets that bailout.
Imagine if LA had drafted him too in 2007? Crawford would've ripped him apart, and made the angry rants at JMFJ seem like a quite conversation.