1st Tampa would need to find someone to deal their overpaid 3rd-4th liner 2nd-3rd pair D. They'd probably have to tie up a 1st or a good prospect to that said player in order to move him which, in that case, still crumbles them
2nd How would they be able to resign Palat and Johnson next year? Cause that's also somethign they have to consider...
I do not see any teams helping the TBL by taking Boyle-Coburn etc... whitout having Tampa give AT LEAST a 1st round pick or a GOOD young player in the deal (See CHI with Bickell) ESPECIALLY with the expansion draft coming. There is not a lot of teams that would take both of these player unless the incentive would be worth it.
IMO, If a team goes on and offers 8.5M X 5 years, or even 9M$ for 5 years, Tampa could match, but they have to win the cup next year othrwhise thir boat probably sinks right there.