Are things as bad as we're saying?


Registered User
Mar 27, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Record doesn't indicate anything in this case. The Leafs have been a .500 team since dating back to the halfway point last season. The on ice product is putrid and inconsistent. We're just preparing for the inevitable bad/subpar record relative to the talent on the team (that isn't even playing well to begin with). It's kind of pathetic to be honest.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
As I hope I said, no way a Toronto expert! Pens fan. But have a soft spot for the Leafs as I'm a huge fan of the city of Toronto. Don't really follow teams outside the Met division.

Don't take offense, but it's odd to me that the Leafs have languished for so long. Guess I'm just hoping the worm has turned for you guys.
Toronto is a very difficult place to play.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2015
Why are you breaking teams' points % into those who've played 12 or 13 games? The difference between those samples is absolutely minute.

At the time of writing the post the lowest percentage of points belonged to the group having played 13 games, the 2nd lowest 12 and the highest for those having played 11 games. I don't know if there is a statistical value to it, but I found it curious and it 'supported' my opinion ...which certainly can be criticized.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2014
I think it's okay for the Leafs to be bad. They just signed their biggest stars to significant cap hits. They are suppose to take a step back this year from last. Just like how Edmonton is bad after signing McDavid and Drai to big deals. It'll take some time for the salary cap to rise to a level, where the salaries that our GM signed the stars to becomes manageable. That said, it doesn't help that we traded our 1st round pick this year and we traded a undervalved contract in Kadri. What's concerning is the lack of heart shown by our big signings.
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2015
This team is under .500 in the entire calandar year of 2019. It IS a problem.

And before the whole "new faces" this year argument, other than Barrie, it's only been depth players that were replaced. Not core.

This CORE has been sub .500 for the calendar year.

This team is not a calendar year old, it has existed since the end of training camp this year. That can't be argued other than using the crest on the jersey to say 'this team'. 13 games imo is not sufficient to determine what the team is. This CORE, adding Barrie to it, I agree has been not good enough. However, we know Andersen to be a slow starter, Tavares has been injured and Barrie is, as you say, new. I want them to play better, I want Tavares back, I want Barrie to improve, I won't make a judgement call as to the CORE's abilities until all are present and playing within a team environment allowing them a chance to prove their value.
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Duke Silver

Jun 4, 2008
Toronto/St. John's
At the time of writing the post the lowest percentage of points belonged to the group having played 13 games, the 2nd lowest 12 and the highest for those having played 11 games. I don't know if there is a statistical value to it, but I found it curious and it 'supported' my opinion ...which certainly can be criticized.

There's no statistical value to it.


44 is Rielly good
Oct 30, 2010
The Darkest Timeline
List of Leafs' players who have more ES points than Connor Brown (despite the Leafs' having played 2 more games than Ottawa has):

It is posts like this that make me respond with a resounding No. The Leafs have been bad, but not as bad as we make them out to be.

Your post doesnt include the part where Brown is top 10 in even strength points, or the Leafs have 2 players tied with Brown for even strength points (therefore 2 guys in the top 10 in even strength points), or that the Leafs have 5 players in the top 25 for even stengh points.

You are literally trying to spin one of the brightest spots of the season (our even strength scoring) as a negative. Ridiculous.
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Registered User
Oct 18, 2007

It's 13 games into the season. We're in a playoff spot. We don't have Tavares, Dermott, and Hyman. We've played *FOUR* back to backs in the past MONTH - insane. Our backup is sporting an .885 -- and has played five times already. (f***ing back to backs.) And Freddie has only got a .904.

Freddie is a .917-918 goalie with eerie consistency. He's going to be fine.

This team's going to be fine. Yeah, I realise Buffalo is leading the league. Don't worry about it. They won't be in a playoff spot in April.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
This team is not a calendar year old, it has existed since the end of training camp this year. That can't be argued other than using the crest on the jersey to say 'this team'. 13 games imo is not sufficient to determine what the team is. This CORE, adding Barrie to it, I agree has been not good enough. However, we know Andersen to be a slow starter, Tavares has been injured and Barrie is, as you say, new. I want them to play better, I want Tavares back, I want Barrie to improve, I won't make a judgement call as to the CORE's abilities until all are present and playing within a team environment allowing them a chance to prove their value.
Exactly. In fact, if they bring up a player from the minors, we clean the slate and disregard everything in the past when said player wasn’t on the team.

in all seriousness you want to keep on doing the same things they’ve been doing? Keep repeating the same mistakes.

Boston added a few new faces and go rid of few guys and they picked up where they left off because they play the right way.
When will the Leafs play 10 straight games the right way?


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017

It's 13 games into the season. We're in a playoff spot. We don't have Tavares, Dermott, and Hyman. We've played *FOUR* back to backs in the past MONTH - insane. Our backup is sporting an .885 -- and has played five times already. (****ing back to backs.) And Freddie has only got a .904.

Freddie is a .917-918 goalie with eerie consistency. He's going to be fine.

This team's going to be fine. Yeah, I realise Buffalo is leading the league. Don't worry about it. They won't be in a playoff spot in April.
What makes you think Buffalo won’t make the playoffs?


Nov 26, 2014
The good old saying it’s not as bad as it seems, but it’s never as good as it seems probably best suits this situation.

We’re a .500 team that’s had a brutal schedule with 3 back to backs already. I think there’s room to improve. The bothering thing though is how uncompetitive they play on the 2nd game of the back to back.

True contenders find ways to win those games, were 0-3 on them.
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Registered Bear
Aug 13, 2010
Wen your team is under performing after 13 games, it's not a huge deal. Specially with the heavy amount of games and back-to-backs they have had.

But this team has been under performing since January. That's a lot more worrisome. They did have some player turn over over the off season which gives them a chance to improve. But by the 20 game mark, they're still a .500 team we will see a significant change.

Isn't there a common belief that a team's placement at the 20 mark usually reflects what their end of season placement will be. There are always a couple of exceptions but counting on that without a significant change would be foolish.
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Registered User
Jan 24, 2006
Not sure if the relevancy....but...

St Louis’ record made them Stanley Cup Champions. Tampa won the Presidents trophy, the other 2 won some playoff rounds.

If you are what your record makes you.
Then Tampa was the cup champs last year. the blues were first round fodder.

This year Tampa and Dallas and San Jose are out of the playoffs and we are looking at a buffalo Edmonton final.

there might be more to it

Martin Skoula

Registered User
Oct 18, 2017
"Don't worry, we'll still probably make the playoffs" isn't a conversation we should be having about this team. It's close enough to an all-in year, if this isn't the one we need to start looking at retooling.
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Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
It's not like the latter part of last year at all to me. At that point, the Leafs were actually playing good hockey as a team but getting poor luck and probably deserved a better record than they got. I think if it went on for longer, the record would've improved. Now, there's no doubt the Leafs deserve their 6 wins and 7 losses. They're playing like a mediocre team, maybe a bit worse. It's not something that will eventually correct itself as the sample gets bigger


Registered User
Nov 23, 2015
Yes but Kyle "needs" to give Babs a full four years with this roster so the entire fanbase demands his firing.


Offered and lost
Feb 1, 2012
North Carolina
The team's PDO is like 14, so no, we're not this bad. But that's not really the point either.

Say the luck turns. Andersen puts up his clockwork .918, Tavares and Marner remember how to play together, and we finish top 3 in the division. Great, we already knew this team could do that. The question this season is, can the players and staff collectively figure out how to get their heel into the River Styx? The early answer is no.

Dekes For Days

Registered User
Sep 24, 2018
No, things aren't as bad as people are saying.

You'd think we were 0-40 with the way some people are overreacting. :laugh:

I can't imagine, with all of these back to backs, that the team has had much practice time together either.

Terrible GM

Registered User
Jul 10, 2013
Not concerned right now. If the team is playing like this around Christmas time, than yeah I would be concerned. If the Leafs still are showing very little defense awareness come February, EVEN with a good record, then I likely jump on the "something has to change" boat. But panicking right now is just a waste of time.
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