3 people is everyone apparently. And you brought me up, not the other way around.
And btw, I am cool with your last response. You basically admit to having a hard wired hatred of certain types of players based on measurables and that is fine. I just don’t get bringing me up like I am the one with the hard wired love, as you implied. I don’t really have anymore issues, we can agree to disagree.
I am not looking for respect. I had many different PM’s when I logged back in, and I have great respect for every single one of those people who reached out, many of whom I have interacted with on this forum for (in some cases) over 2 decades.
The person I replied to in this thread ( as well as 1 other person who we all know) , have on numerous occasions falsely attributed comments to me that I simply never made. I’ve had my battles over the years on this forum with RJ, K17, GBH and many others, but never did any of them just blatantly make stuff up like happened here. I think GBH’s delivery and tone leaves a lot to be desired, and I have told him as much, but he always had the decency to at least keep it factual. And this goes for other boards I’ve posted at for decades, including much larger UM and Packers forums, this stuff just never happens elsewhere.
Am I overreacting to shit being made up? Maybe, but I spent a lot of time on this forum, maybe more than anyone else, and it’s disheartening when people I actually respect start to believe the lies. I had one member who I like a lot reply to a post of mine mentioning the made up shit that I supposedly said and strangely that was the straw that broke the camels back so to say. I reached out to that person in PM and asked him why he thought that, but I really knew the answer, lies spread quickly, much faster than truth. I reached out in private with him and explained that, no I don’t feel that way. But it’s tough to do that with everyone, and there just isn’t much value in a community where what I actually say is drowned out by made up stuff from a certain few people. And even ignoring them doesn’t stop them from saying what they want. There are so many rules here, for things that I wouldn’t have an issue with (being cussed out, called names etc) but unfortunately there is really nothing they can do to stop people like Axl and TKF from saying what they want, even if it’s totally made up. I wish it were different but those are the rules.
I should have at least said I was leaving, and I am sorry to those who reached out to me fearing that I had died. And thanks to Eugene for clearing that part up.