Yeah, I just see her do so much shitty stuff and it annoys the bejesus out of me. I may be biased because I just hate her, I find her so unlikable.
I just notice her not make her opponents offense look good. She will make suplexes and everything look like trash because she's not about making anyone else look good but herself. Look at the Twist of Fate she took from Lita at the Rumble. Looked like she didn't give any sort of shit about selling it. There's reasons people don't like her and don't like working with her. She's not about making others look good and elevating them.
Another thing is her no-selling promos. She will mutter under her breath (much like Steph did) - Completely ignore them with a blank facial expression as if she doesn't give a shit. She just does nothing to make anyone look good.
She sucks. She flat out sucks and it's an absolute shit bag.