This is like the same thing that almost any wrestler has done ever even if it’s a shoot interview. They want to do all these things and be the best. She also said she was a rockstar. That’s even less true.
Kenny Omega, gets fed up in America, wants to be the best wrestler in the world, gets on a plane and moves to Japan and says he wants to do as many styles as possible. Becomes a centerpiece of a new promotion. Bet on himself and won.
Cody Rhodes, gets fed up in America, wants to be a ‘varsity player’ as he told Vince on the way out, goes to ROH and New Japan. Becomes a centerpiece of a new promotion, f***s himself probably by being too nice, comes back and is in a main event of Wrestlemania, is over despite some of our wishes. Bet on himself and will win.
Mercedes Moné, after being a main event of Wrestlemania, gets fed up in America, wants to be the best wrestler in the world, wants to work new styles, moves to Japan, gonna get to work 25-30 minute matches. Bet on herself and is any or all of selfish, arrogant, not humble, should’ve shut up and been happy while Charlotte takes off and can only ever bothered to do title matches.