Okay, then forget about the exaggeration as far as 3 shootouts go. How is:
"Dress a guy who can't play hockey, but can beat people up and look scary, yet despite all that won't stop your players from getting run."
Any different then:
"Dress a guy who can't play hockey but has a great shot and dekes well, so he can give them an edge if there is a shootout."
Both statements are absurd.
It's not the Lucics of the NHL I have a problem with. It's the John Scotts. The difference being Lucic can do everything Scott can, oh and he's a first line winger on top of that. I know Lucic type players do not grow on trees but then settle for a Brandon Prust. Anything but a John Scott. We had our guy in Sauer and it's a damn shame what happened to him, but Stu ****ing Bickel isn't the answer. Michael Haley is a step in the right direction.