“For us, the only only real issue was we were kinda blindsided by it,” said Wheeler. “We found out like, not how you would expect. When you find out something like, like something major like you’re being taken out of a video game, your mind automatically assumes the worst. So for us, it was like, is something we need to worry about? Should we read between the lines here? Were we not told for a reason? Now that we are aware, now that we are out, what is that reason? Is it something we should worry about? We got an answer. It made a lot of sense, very logical answer. We said oh, okay, cool. As long as we don’t have to worry about it, non-issue. That’s what it was. We’ve known it since May, June.
“I don’t know how long at this point. But for months. If that would have came out yesterday, I have no idea why. We were at a show in North Carolina. We did, I woke up, got coffee, seminar, meet and greet, show, flight from Charlotte. So I had my phone on me maybe two, three times yesterday, at most. Had no idea what was going on until I got back to Charlotte and I’m dropping my rental car off, and I just see that s— hit the fan basically. I was like oh, wonder what happened here? Why did this finally get out? But don’t know exactly what happened yesterday, I don’t know why it just now became a headline, but we’ve known about it for a while. We got answers for it a while ago. For us, it’s not even an issue or thought about, so yesterday was just the weirdest day for that for us.” ..............“Thank you for caring about us, but please don’t be upset for us,” said Wheeler. “It’s not an issue, and there’ll be a chance to use us anyway. Thank you, but please stop fighting.”