I've never thought that Matt was a great wrestler, he's a great stuntman. That's caught up with him. WWE and AEW have to take a large share of the blame for this. I mean they marketed him on his death defying move set. AEW knew he had problems when they bought him on board, and probably knew he was living in pain, and yet they kept promoting him based on those dives, and actually allowed him to continue to do that BS nearly everytime he stepped in the ring.
His brother has been his defender and enabler for a long time. I mean frankly Jeff is his meal ticket since Matt's abilities left him a while ago.
Before you jump on me and say that's all that Jeff's got, and your being mean. Yeah I am. But other wrestlers who have gone through devestating injuries, or have seen their bodies break down have adapted to take care of themselves. Austin, Danielson, Angle among others all changed their styles.
At least WWE tried on multiple times to get him help. He refused, and on multiple times they let him go. AEW knew he was a train wreck and kept booking him to take risks. The only thing that is worse is WCW booking Scott Hall as a drunk in the dying days of that promotion.
Jeff takes a lot of the blame too. He's a guy with a young family, he's a guy is more then likely fortunate that he hasn't either killed himself or someone else by on multiple times getting in a car drunk. And for that I have little sympathy for him. He clearly doesn't want help and doesn't see a problem with what he's doing because the industry enables him and his brother enables him.
At this point, AEW has to tell him get help or leave, there's no middle ground, oh and if you go your brother goes. I would hope and pray that every other wrestling business if this does happen has a no hire policy on the Hardy's unless Jeff gets help and gets cleaned up.
But Drunk Drivers are a POS, and Jeff ever failed to put the interlock system into his car after his last DUI, so that makes him a double POS.