Aren't the producers responsible for the hiring of those that would be in the production's props department?
Ultimately, the blame would lay on the production company that made the movie.
It would be like Wal-Mart hiring someone who spat in the bread loaves that they sell.
It makes absolutely no sense to blame that individual. Of course, they should face the consequences for their actions, but ultimately, the PR side show would fall squarely onto the shoulders of Wal-Mart.
They made the hire, as you said.
The black eye this will cause, will tar the reputation of the production company that is responsible for producing this film.
Baldwin trusted the person who handed him the gun, but ultimately if he is a leader, will be the fall guy for this accident.
Let's not kid ourselves here. This was a horrible accident, and don't be surprised if the only consequence of this are lawsuits or undisclosed settlements as a result.
If all we can think about is how "he killed someone", we are missing the mark.
Focus is how do we guarantee this doesn't happen again.
It's happened before. This clearly needs to be looked into as a result.
Talent has no business dying while making a scene.
They slow down car chases and speed them up in production to maximize safety. Why isn't this being done for firearms?
The gun flash?
CGI has the capability to add this in later? Is it the sound? Sound effects are so well advanced.
The smoke?
Honestly. No gun should be fired in the direction of another cast member if live rounds are inside. Blank or not.
Doing this in the name of cinema shouldn't be at the expense of anyone's life.
If this can be taken from this, than that woman didn't die for nothing.