NA is prepared. They are taking that lane away.
The lane was there both times but two bad passes. First was not on the tape and the second was too hard.
NA is prepared. They are taking that lane away.
Laine's release is something to admire, that first shot through the D man on the rush and shot on goal was far more dangerous than it looked. Murray with a great save.
Wow Team NA plays back to back? This is pretty much a must win for them then.
Pretty sure if their play right now is any indicate of how it's gong to be like for the rest of the tournament, then team USA is going to clean the house both the management and coaching staff. I expect Sullivan to be their head coach, and someone not Burke to be GM.
Its been 12 years since the last WCH was held though. Think they can keep to one every 4 years?
Parayko and Ghost are not a good pairing. One is too slow other too small
I thought Parayko was RussianAnyways he manhandled Granlund.