Sorry -- I meant this to be a reply to Ogee's question of what I did to get banned -- looks like I replied to myself.
I was guilty of wrong-think.
It was about the time that some wackadoodle neo-nazi group decided to borrow the winged wheel as their own logo -- I think because this group's initials happened to be DRW. The Red Wings held a trademark on the logo, of course, so they told the group to f*ck right off.
Now, I don't want to hijack a Marco Kasper thread and I don't want to be banned here for wrong-think, but I would like to answer your question lest you think the banishment was for something horrible; so for those looking for more Kaspercentric content, or those easily triggered by ideas that don't align with your own, please scroll-on-by. LOOK AWAY.
So there was some discussion of this group on the board, and someone referred to the group as right wing, and I pointed out, with actual quotes and easily verifiable historical evidence, that the National Socialist German Workers' Party was, in fact, Socialist. It's right there in the name. The one-dimensional political spectrum of left, right, and center is not really a valid model, it's a tool used to tar philosophies by placing them next to something odious; the terms "right wing" and "left wing" are meaningless.
That's it. That's what got me banish-shed. And punishing someone for wrong-think while distancing one's own philosophy from fascist totalitarianism is totes not an ironic embarrassment you guys.