lafresque lookin like player who spent time in junior beerhockeyleague putting up points like anyboty . there have a been many example of player who play success many many points in some junior beerleague and maybe wjc too and then diseapearing. lafresque coach and team headquarters trying to force something from him. they will play him to death whole year. strange thing strong big finnish young atletic boy kakko they put down here instantly. they not playing him at all and took his confidence away. im amazed at this situation here.
first period of lafresque hockey to me. i must say lafresque doing all things wrong . not saying anything but kakko should at this day be very ahead of lafresque here in team line for playing 1st or 2nd line hockey. lafresque odd young man here. he dont belong to these lines. he belong to 4th line if any line at this team. he must deserve this. not deserving anything from playing at junior beerleague. 1 in draft dont mean anyththing. it is how and good you are,. nothing more. thanks
sir avgard hockeyprofessor