2024 27th Overall Marek Vanacker

Found this combine interview. He had a sling during the combine. He apparently played hurt, more than realized and still lead his team strongly scoring. But maybe an impact on the inconsistency knocks... also probably a reason he needs some weight if he really is 160

He played the entire last season with a torn labrum. And I think he's around 170lbs now. Still needs some more muscle, obviously, but he has a solid frame to fill out.
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Lol I’m sure people will love it. But….. LOL get real

No surprise
I saw we got him on my way home and was really excited. He's a solid middle of the lineup player and a much better pick than Levy at 2 and Boisvert at 18. I wouldve been happier drafting him at 18 than Boisvert there to be honest.

I then found out we traded both 34 and 50 to get him. Holy hell did we get fleeced! 34 and 50 should get you to pick 22 atleast. God dang is that bad value. The difference between Vanacker and the guy at 34th oa is minimal. They are all in the same tier of players. 50th oa is a premium pick
Not the happiest about not (currently) having any 2nd rounders tomorrow thanks to this move, but I like the way he plays. If management heard rumblings that he'd be gone before #34, I can understand and respect making the move.
I saw we got him on my way home and was really excited. He's a solid middle of the lineup player and a much better pick than Levy at 2 and Boisvert at 18. I wouldve been happier drafting him at 18 than Boisvert there to be honest.

I then found out we traded both 34 and 50 to get him. Holy hell did we get fleeced! 34 and 50 should get you to pick 22 atleast. God dang is that bad value. The difference between Vanacker and the guy at 34th oa is minimal. They are all in the same tier of players. 50th oa is a premium pick
Players taken in the 2nd round have a 25% shot at making the NHL and actually sticking, IIRC.

Players taken in the 1st round have something like a 65-75% chance, I believe.

And 50th is even more than halfway through the 2nd, also.

It's not really what I would call a "premium" pick.

I don't think it necessarily had to be done It just makes more sense to have more 1st round lottery tickets than 2nd round lottery tickets.
Vanacker played with torn labrumalk season..If hecwas 100% maybevhe putscupn140 points instead of "just" 86.

Not considered a great skater but makes up for it with energy ,compete,edge and skill ..Maybe their development coaches can improve the skating.. If so and once healthy who knows? Theirvisxsonevupside..

So they took a bit of a risk to give up 2ndvround assets to get him

Itbis not likevthisxwas a deep draft..so maybevtheu felt 2ndcrounders not of mich value..

ItbiscjustvygatcAnaheimngavecup 31 and58 to get #23 from Toronto andctok Solberg..

I would have preferred Solberg over Vanacker.

We could have given 34 and 50 to get #23 to get Solberg but maybe either Leafs preferred Anaheim offer orr or KD never offered..we just cannotvknow.

Point is F we had stayed at #20 Boisvert likely there anyway...orcweccoukdvhave taken Solberg .. and stull used our draft capital in roundctwo to get either #21or#23 wi.

It just seems to me KD could shoukda done better and did not maximize his draft capital from roundc2 as we originally gotten that wisely.

We coull have done better.

KD got bested by other GMs using their draft capital better.

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People act like 2nd rounders in the NHL are similar to the NFL.
You would think that people would be happy the Hawks got 3x 1st round talents, instead of 2x 1sts and 1x middle+ 2nd.

Duncan Keith, Shea Weber, PK Subban, Nikita Kucherov.
Oh... so we're just going to lean in on like the .5% of NHL players drafted in the 2nd round that go on to become elite? :laugh:
The difference between a late first and a 2nd being a top 9/4 player is really small.

That said, moving 3 seconds to move up 9 spots total past the first half of the 1st round seems a bit reckless.
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