people getting their news from facebook is the reason the world's gone to hell in a handbasket
jets news probably fine though
Agree on Facebook news being a reason why the world has gone to hell, but would disagree on the Jets news being fine. Once the algorithm figures out you out, you're subject to clickbate on any matter.
For the Jets alone, there's a few hundred similarly named Winnipeg Jets pages, none of which I've liked or joined, but the algorithm knows I like hockey & I'm spoon fed them one after the other.
Then there's the bots providing one lie after another, which nearly always have headline ending with a question mark & in nearly all cases the answer to any rational person is no. There's a term for that town as "Betteridge's Law of Headlines."
My feed has become 9/10th's click bate with virtually no posts visible from friends or groups anymore. This is particularly true when traditionally scrolling thru my feed. The TikTok inspired "Facebook Reels" litters the platform & if I click on anything within Reels, that engagement has them "reeling" me in for more. I think I've seen more John McEnroe serve & volley points in the last year than I did in the early 80's.
Nearly all my real & desired social engagement comes from the notifications icon which to date hasn't been spam fed.
The original question you responded to was where to get hockey news & like conventional news it's from traditional media sources. My go-to each morning is Illegal Curve, particularly good for game day rosters & links to conventional news stories from the Free Press, Winnipeg Sun, The Athletic, TSN, Sportsnet & relevant columnists. I've avoided Twitter since it was renamed X, but I used to follow Garret, Aavco Cup & Seravelli to name a few.