Direct quotes:
“It’s been a long process and a handful of months dealing with this and I don’t think it’s the right time to kind of discuss it,” said Gauthier. “There might be one day where I kind of get into the details of what happened. Right now, I kind of want to keep it to a private matter.”
“It wasn’t one specific reason why I asked for a trade,” said Gauthier. “It was multiple, re-occurring issues that I’d seen over the past year and a half, two years of being under the Flyers organization. It kind of hit me all at once, thinking ‘I can’t move forward with this’ and ‘I really need to step up for myself and see what’s best for my future’ and that’s what I did.”
You write, "This took a fraction of a section to find," link to an article, and underneath, in quotation marks, write, "The Flyers are incompetent and I didn't want to tie my career to that."
No other explanation. The obvious insinuation that you are quoting from the article you cited.
Which you did not. You fabricated a quote. You didn't lead, for example, with "He's basically saying" before putting your "paraphrase" in quotes.
It's complete academic dishonesty.
And your alleged paraphrase is also hyperbolic misrepresentation. Cutter gives no specific reasons and he doesn't say what the "re-occurring issues" were. They could have been anything. What he does say is he doesn't want to get into the details and wants to keep it private.
Which of course completely flies in the face of your initial assertion that Cutter's camp gave a clear and specific explanation for why he demanded a trade (a broken promise) and that this was "basic information" and that anyone who didn't know this didn't have a "grasp of the facts."
You are both dishonest and wrong.