Beef Invictus
Revolutionary Positivity
I can categorically tell you that a lot of teams still believe firmly that there are set "ways" to build a winner.
And that in turn there are some NHL teams who would turn down 50 point players for free because they don't "fit" on their 3rd line that has scored 70 point combined over 82 games while being meh defensively... but "playing hard".
It might seem unbelievable. And I would not have fully believed it either until say the last 2-3 years where have quite good relationships with quite a lot of agents!
I don't think the Flyers are quite that silly. And I am still waiting to see with Briere tbh... but yeh... that stuff happens.
Yep. The sport is filled with managers who glorify the league of their childhood or their fathers, and they think the "2 scoring lines 2 grinding lines" setup was some chivalrous choice with inherent merit, and not a scarcity-driven necessity. It's unreal how thickheaded so many people running this sport are.
More wild? The Flyers were moving past that. In the beginning and middle term of Homer's tenure as GM, they were intent on injecting as much talent as possible and letting it fill out the roster. They built a true 3-scoring-line forward lineup and looked to add more. Then they hit the first bump and threw it all away to travel back into Pointless Nostalgia Land.
NYR and TOR are two other teams who tampered with moving into present talent conditions and are now running away.
Of concern from Briere was his statement that we aren't going to be a talent chocked team; we'll have the one or two high paid players, then grinders. That sure seems to speak to an intent to build one or two scoring lines and then turn down additional talent. It would also explain why they're so intent on convincing themselves Frost is expendable. They have their talent, what do they need him for? They want another mucker.