Hate to break it to you, but despite being "in Western Canada" geographically - equating Saskatoon to Vancouver is about as realistic as comparing Buffalo or Columbus and New York city. And even that comparison as farfetched as it may seem is doing a massive disservice to explaining the difference between Vancouver and the Canadian Prairie.
I'm not going to go as far as saying I'm an expert - I've worked 2 separate 5 months stints in Swift Current, Saskatchewan (which is a community of 18k about 175 miles southwest of Saskatoon ~350k population). I've also travelled through Saskatoon, Regina and spent several months in Winnipeg - accounting for enough familiarity with the Prairie vibe and culture with decent chunks of time during both the summer and winter seasons over several different years.
I've also spent several months living just outside of Calgary, which is more comparable to anything Canadian Prairie than Vancouver could ever hope to be in terms of feel and/or market.
I cannot state emphatically enough that Vancouver is worlds apart from anything Schenn would equate to home - going as far as to say St Louis is closer to his home town feel than either of Vancouver OR Calgary, while cherry picking the best of both cities combined and ignoring the worst of each... Take this with a small grain of salt, as I have never spent any appreciable amount of time in the Midwest - with my "experience" being limited to driving back from Ontario to BC, taking a scenic route through the US through Chicago, South Dokota and then Washington state on the way back home while sightseeing in 2007 during a 12000 mile road trip over the course of 9 weeks.
This is a long way of saying - Schenn would never waive to go to Vancouver because it reminds him of home. If he waives, it's because he wants a shot at winning a second cup and playing somewhere that might make a run or two before he retires. And he's more likely to go elsewhere than Vancouver to do so, if he agrees to leave St Louis at all. I'm not saying Vancouver would be on his 15 team no trade list for the next 3 years, but I don't see him waiving his full NTC this year to go there.