yes, I do love Beast Wars. As I mentioned in that Transformers movie thread I've been on a TF forum doing a complete watch-through of every Transformers cartoon over the last couple of years (at a pace of about 4-5 episodes of as how per week. We crossed the 500 total episodes watched threshold a few months ago. This includes watching all the weird Japanese stuff that never aired on TV here, a pair of Beast Wars sequels/interquels among them. One of which is irredeemably awful.). We're currently up to Transformers Prime from 2010 and of the 13(ish) series that we've watched before now Beast Wars currently holds the #2 spot on my rankings behind only mid/late-2000s show Transformers Animated (that was partially cancelled because they wanted people to focus on the Bay movies.)
I will get to it, probably while having been spoiled on everything that happens in the movie before that point because that's how these things work.
and yes, overall I am a massive Transformers nerd. Probably more than any other single thing in my weirdly eclectic list of tastes and interests. I have a huge shelf of Transformers figures above my desk. Normally it would include some Beast Wars stuff but I swapped that out a couple months ago for something different. all that I have out right now is Dragon Megatron and some alternate comics/toy-only characters based on Waspinator. Maybe I'll dig them out of their box in the next few days.
I do have a hybrid Transformes/Back to the Future Autobot DeLorean though. And an Autobot Ecto-1 crossover with Ghostbusters