Přál si být na šampionátu přímo u toho. Jakub Lauko dokonce na twitter vyťukal jasný vzkaz do dějiště MS. Hlásím se, pochopili všichni emotikon v jeho zprávě, která měla čtvrt milionu zhlédnutí. Ze štábu národního týmu přišla zamítavá odpověď. „Nejde jen o mě, ale je škoda, že nesázíme víc na...
Really interesting interview with Lauko. I know its blesk, but its interview so I think it can be taken as viable.
Its a lot about his season in Boston, BUT also about national team and thats interesting. Its premium, but I unlocked it just to read this whole article so if anyone dont have it unlocked here is the NT part in short:
And firstly I must say I agree with him 100% and it further more strengthened my opinion, that Jalonen and this whole staff we have right now needs to be replaced. Because it will lead our hockey into doom eventually.
1. He is saying that he is very dissapointed, that we are not playing younger players more, that its not just about him, that he wanted to come and was refused, but also about other guys. That we have the youngest player in the team Kaut who is 24. He doesnt understand why for example Svozil was cut, that other teams are playing young players and we are only ones relying on veterans. And that he thinks most of people in czech hockey sees it similarly. Again agree 100%. Most people wants that, but our coach just want to play slow, defensive bs with old guys, cause he is stuck somewhere 20years ago.
2. This next part is really interesting, he is saying that he is dissapointed with the fact, that in media its told how there was a lot of talks between our GMs and NHL/AHL players and that this is not true at all. He is saying that for example no one talked with him or with Tomas Nosek during the season, and this could probably extent to much more guys we have in america. So what was discussed there a lot of times before and that is, that Havlat is actually not doing his job well and his statements of "all players wants to come" was just a big load of bs may acutally be very true.
3. They also asked him what he thinks about czech attidute towards AHL and how its considered a weak league here. And he said that he is dissapointed that we see it like that in here, that AHL is a very quality and hard league, and its overlooked in here for no good reason. Again 100% agree, AHL was overlooked in here long enough and it has to stop, its better league then most euro leagues, and players from there have at least similar quality as our euro guys. So if you have available for example Galvas who is playing really good in a good league and have to decide between him and for example Jordan or Nemecek, eg players which are average at best in a similarly leagues in terms of quality, you just freakin take Galvas!!! Thats why I want Canadian/US coach, who is aware of AHL quality and will bring more our guys from there into wch.
So just another point of view and something to think about, if we are really going in the right direction with Jalonen. If even professional hockey players have those kind of opinions, you really starting to think, that maybe what we are doing is really not right now and its not just fans "ranting".